The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

(bi (a) 1al (al tai (al J. Bully Six Show (2) entry. (3) (3) 103 116 105 SPORTS THE COURIER-JOURNAE, LOUISVILLE, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1940. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS. SECTION 2 Louisville Jockey Ride At Bowie Catching up with big brother is the aim of the latest of Louisville, youngsters to join the jockey fraternity.

This mite of a lad, Jim Berger, has only ridden in three races but he has an assignment to ride for Paul Kelley at Bowie when the Maryland track opens. His big brother Maurice is a veteran of some four years experience and this year for the first time he will ride on a Kentucky track. In fact Maurice is expected piloting C. C. Van Meter's Blue have the important of taste Pair in the Breeders' Futurity at Keeneland.

So Jim, just 16, is going East to get real serious about this riding business and attempt to equal the success of Maurice, who has been a sensation in that section, especially at Narragansett. They of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Berger. ENTRIES, Selections by The Courier-Jour-1 nal are numbered in the likely winner at handicapper, each track is in capitals. NARRAGANSETT FIRST RACE- Purse. 2-yearold maidens: six furlongs: Landfall (2) 116 Delicto 111 Machree Hup Nancy 116 Blumere 116 Twinkatys (3) 116 Heels 111 (a) Study (a) Saran (1) 116 Period (1) 116 Mrs. Turp 111 Valdina Squaw 116 Dixiana Stable entry.

SECOND RACE- Purse, claimIns: 3-year-olds and upward; maidens; six furlongs: Equitation .110 107 Druco Syska 113 Meadow Gold 110 Phil Gough (2) 115 Boycott (1) 115 Front 105 Beam 105 Cotton Maid ...110 105 Dora 107 Bridges -108 Strike .105 Wise Glance 110 Wall 105 Dynamic 110 Sir Brookside .110 Away 107 THIRD RACE- claiming: 2-vear-olds: six furlongs: Pair .105 Fly Gent (2) 120 (1) .115 Worldly .109 Hoof Heart .116 112 Connoisseur 113 Fair Twink 105 Tacky 114 (3) 107 107 Sunineton 113 Ruckelle 112 Valdina Dream 110 Ace 100 Alley .109 Matab 108 Bright Are 115 FOURTH RACE--Purse. claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; six furlongs: Please 108 Malinda B. ..113 Blind Pig (2) 116 Walta Lass 105 Listaro (1) 116 Patapsco 116 Quest 108 Grisette 113 FIFTH RACE Purse, allowances: 3-year-olds; one mile and seventy vards: Votum (2) 116 Preceptress (3) 116 Pass 108 Aristocracy 105 o' Two 103 Bar (1) 105 (alOne One 116 o' (a B. F. Lister entry.

SIXTH RACE -Purse, allowances; 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and seventy vards: Second Helping 108 VAL Play 103 (1) 115 Crack Harp Weaver (3) 101 (2) 115 Wanna Hygro 102 SEVENTH RACE-Purse, $1,000: claimAng; 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and seventy yards: Scotch High 113 Personable (1) 116 Khav 107 Holiday 103 Night 102 Orinoco (2) 113 Shapiro 101 Silver Bet .100 .102 Petit Jean (3) .113 West Acre 110 Wahcoo 110 Bonnie Buzz 110 First Port 113 Cosse 113 Wire 105 Golden 99 Wrought Iron 110 EIGHTH RACE- -Purse, claimIng: 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and seventy yards: Miss Dolly Kay 110 Bomb 105 Peanut Lady 106 Vixen 105 Steel King (1) .113 Genaibi (3) 110 Out 105 Laurana Lyon 100 98 99 Grief 102 Potiphar 110 Blackbirder (2) 110 Rhodium 110 Building Trades 110 105 Breeze 108 Rosarian -110 allowance claimed. clear: track, fast. BELMONT FIRST RACE- steeplechase: 3-year-olds and upward; two miles: NO SELECTIONS. (a) Cupid Patty (a) Button (b) Shadow Button .145 Song 139 Pungo 140 1. L'Pdeon 154 (b) Ultra Play 139 la H.

Whitney entry. (bIG. W. Hoblin entry. SECOND RACE- Purse, $1,200: claimIng: 2-year-olds; seven furlongs: Yelap 111 Kantar Run 118 (2) 111 Llanero 120 Rumson 111 Laugh And Agility 117 Play (3) 120 Family Doc (1) 120 Cut 108 THIRD RACE- Claiming; 3-year-olds and upward: six furlongs: Handiboy (2) .120 (a) Smoky Balloon 111.

Snyder (3) 116 101 Plate 103 Postage Due (1) 120 (a) Strength (3) ..115 Maenerva 106 Rapid Way 106 Lass 103 Kenty Miss 108 Lady Infinite 113 Rita Z. -113 106 W. B. Simpson entry. FOURTH RACE -Purse, claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; one one-eighth miles: Ebony Time Beater 108 Boy (1) 111 Bright Chance 108 For Orchids Next 108 (2) Romance Warrior 106 Lady Bethyl .103 High End 116 Even Up 111 Cee Joe (3) 116 Scatter Brain Dissembler 111 (bi Out of Noise 99 Fire 116 Day Is' Done 108 Money Muddle 116 (a) GuariMantagna 111 sanker (1) ..106 Money 108 Mrs.

E. D. Jacobs entry. (b) Mrs. R.

Mellvain and H. Williamston entry. FIFTH RACE -Parse, maiden 2-year-olds; six furlongs: Air Master 116 la) The Thane 116 Fiery Steel 116 Paddy Malone Storm Orphan 116 Obash 116 Jackorack 116 Allenjay 116 Peep 116 (bi Fettatel Scatter Drops 116 cairn (2) 116 Riding Light Poppadeets (3) 116 Inscolian 116 Scout Whistle 116 Down 116 Schuylerville 116 Docket 116 (b) Volpone (2). 116 Bryan Station (1) 116 falMrs. D.

Condone and Mrs. J. A. Payne (bi Wheatley Stable and Belair Stud Farm entry. SIXTH RACE- Purse.

allowances; 3-year-olds and upward; six furlongs: War Regalia 110 Colosseum 115 Small World Rosetown (3) 109 Torchlight (2) 117 Dinner Date 110 What 104 RIFTED Witchlike 115 CLOUDS (1) 120 SEVENTH RACE Purse, claiming: 3-year-olds; one and one-sixteenth miles: Pari Earnest 117 Kid 112 Millbriar 117 (2) 111 Creep Mouse 111 Brown Slave 113 Port (3) 117 Kasidah 114 City Talk (1) EIGHTH RACE-Purse, claiming; 3-year-olds and upward; one and one-half miles: Navy (1) 116 Bain Marie 105 Bright Gray (2) 116 Repercussion 111 Shambles 111 Rebel 109 Deserter (3) 113 Foxflame 106 Misrule 111 Mrs. E. D. Jacobs entry. allowance claimed.

Weather, clear: track, fast. IN INSURED of Your Investment in Shares of This Association Fully Insured Up to $5,006 By An Instrumentality of the Federal Government. write for descriptive literature. GREATER LOUISVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION An Insured Institution Greater Louisville Building, 417 W. Market St.

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 000 000 000 000 0 000 00 000 000 000 000 Lopp, Dyer Win Highland Park Tests By KENNETH TAYLOR, If there is anything that pleases the doctor members of the Highland Park Gun Club more than a good shooting match I don't know what it is. Week-in and week-out, then physicians, the dentists, and surgeons take der to shoulder other particular joy in shooting, shouland the layman members of the straight-target shooting This year's, trophy, shoot, a big a affair the members compete for trophies bought with the profits of weekly shoots, was satisfying to four of the doctors and especially so to Dr. Harry Lopp who won the Class A trophy and Dr. G. L.

Dyer, who was first in Class B. Another, Dr. J. W. Fitch, finished third in Class but only after an extra round and second in the distance handicap, and a fourth, Dr.

A. L. Bass, was third in the doubles. Dr. Lopp won from John Pratt and Dr.

Fitch in a shootoff after they had tied with handicap 100s. Dr. Lopp had a 24 on the extra 25, Pratt a 23 and Dr. Fitch a 22. Dr.

Dyer also won in a shootoff with W. L. Dysart, by 23-18 after they had tied with handicap 100s. Ed Story was third. Rod Cooper was winner of the distance handicap with 48x50 from 23 yards.

Dr. Fitch was second with 47 from 22 and John Cooper, Story, Ben Crenshaw and Dysart tied for third with 44s. Rod Cooper won the doubles, breaking 43x48 and beating' out Gene Wenz with 42 and Dr. A. L.

Bass with a 41. Maladjustments of the traps held the doubles scores much below the average of the shooters. The actual scores in the 16- yard added bird event: Dr. Harry Lopp 99, John Pratt 99. Dr.

J. W. Fitch 98, Gene Wenz 97. Rod Cooper 95, L. Dysart, 94, Dr.

J. S. Lutz 93. John Cooper 93, Ben Crenshaw 91. S.

B. Willocks, 90. Dr. G. L.

Dyer 89. Ed Story 89. Dr. A. L.

Bass 87. George Langford 86. Dr. J. B.

Stroud 84, Cadet S. B. Willock. 80, H. D.

Board 76. W. L. Dysart, 45x50, Bill Frick 45, E. C.

Kinser 41. C. R. Webb 37. J.

C. Wilcox 37, K. B. Hillis 17x25. Who'll Stop Kane Who's going to crash in at the top of these Junior Rifle matches at the Armory and stop THE WEATHER br a.m.

last (sayour Reported by last last sutpua U. S. Weather 8 8 8 Bureau. hrs. hrs.

hrs. Stations. 8 das Sept. Abilene. Texas 84 60 .00 Albuquerque, N.

M. 74 53 Amarillo, Texas 78 60 .00 Atlanta, Ga. 78 56 .00 Birmingham, Ala. 80 49 .00 Boise, Idaho 52 40 .28 Boston, Mass. 66 48 .00 Butte, Mont.

51 44 .43 Calgary, Alberta 70 34 .00 Charleston, S. C. 74 59 .00 Chattanooga, Tenn. 79 41 .00 Chicago. Ill.

72 54 .00 Cincinnati, Ohio 73 42 .00 Columbus. Ohio 73 44 .00 Corpus Christi, Texas 80 64 .00 Davenport, Iowa 77 46 .00 Denver. Col. 58 53 .00 Des Moines. Iowa 77 52 .00 Detroit, Mich, 71 45 .00 Dodge, Kan.

55 .02 Duluth, Minn. 54 50 .00 Eastport, Maine 62 46 .00 Edmonton. Alberta 70 36 .00 El Paso. Texas 80 64 .03 Evansville, Ind. 78 42 .00 Fargo, N.

D. 74 41 .00 Fort Smith, Ark. 80 54 .00 Galveston, Texas 80 66 .00 Green Bay. Wis. 60 55 .00 Hatteras, N.

C. 70 65 .00 Havre, Mont. 67 46 .00 Huntington. W. Va.

78 43 .00 Huron, S. D. 79 44 .00 Indianapolis, Ind. 74 49 .00 Jacksonville. Fla.

73 63 .00 Kansas City, Mo. 80 48 .00 Key West, Fla. 87 75 .00 Knoxville, Tenn. 76 43 .00 Little Rock. Ark.

78 46 .00 Louisville, Ky. 50 Bowman Field 76 .00 Macon. Ge. 78 56 .00 Memphis, Tenn. 79 47 .00 Meridian.

Miss. 79 46 .00 Miami, Fla. 84 72 .79 Minneapolis, Minn. 77 52 .00 Montgomery. Ala.

80 58 .00 Nashville. Tenn. 79 44 .00 New Orleans, La. 79 63 .00 New York. N.

Y. 74 52 .00 North Platte, Neb. 70 46 .00 Oakland, Calif. 83 50 .00 Omaha, Neb. 79 56 .00 Phoenix, Ariz.

98 70 .00 Pittsburgh, Penn. 69 44 .00 Portland. Ore. 64 54 .00 Rapid City. S.

D. 67 52 .22 St. Louis, Mo. 80 43 .00 Salt Lake City, Utah 62 47 .00 San Diego, Calif. 76 62 .00 Antonio, Texas 87 58 .00 Seattle.

Wash. 67 54 .00 Sheridan, Wyo. 64 50 .00 S. Ste. Marie, Mich.

58 46 .00 Spartanburg, S. C. 74 52 .00 Springfield. Mo. 77 48 .00 Swift Current.

Sask. 72 39 .00 Washington. D. C. 76 47 .00 Williston.

N. D. 71 46 .03 Winnipeg. Man. 75 41 .00 METEOROLOGICAL DATA (Official.) Louisville, Sept.

29, 1940. 7 a.m. Noon. 7 p.m. Barometer 29.77 29.72 Temperature (dry bulb) 50 73 67 Temperature (wet bulb) 45 59 Dew point 40 388 54 Relative humidity.

68 62 Wind velocity NES NEG State of weather Clear. Clear. Year Ago- High, 85; low, 64. Temperatures and Precipitation- Maximum temperature, 75; minimum temperature, 50; mean temperature, 62: normal temperature. 66; departure for day, 4: departure for month, -56; departure since March 1, -299; prevailing winds; northeast; mean barometer.

29.74; mean relative humidity, 60; character of day, clear; total precipitation, none: normal precipitation, departure for day, departure for month, departure since March 1, Assistant Sports Writer. this Jimmy Kane? The club resumed its indoor matches two weeks ago and Jimmy won the first match. Last week he won again with a 139 on 10 shots prone and five offhand. C. Peter was second with a 138.

The other scores were: Dettmar 135, Leonard Lusky 134, F. Ruffra 131, A. Pfister 130, E. Huber 125, F. Schooler 119, T.

Rubel 100 and J. Goff 26. H. M. Bennett Wins Although other scores were fired in the Parker Re-entry match at the Louisville National Rifle Club, none replaced any of the top four fired last Sunday.

H. M. Bennett was first with a 100 possible, which outranked the possibles of H. H. Gould, E.

M. Saunders and W. M. Maple. Central May Play Nashville Thanksgiving By VICTOR K.

PERRY. Courier-Journal Correspondent, Pearl High School of Nashville may be the Thanksgiving Day of Central High here this year. The Tennessee school used to be an athletic rival of Central and the local management has made repeated efforts to renew the relationship. Last week the Pearl High School manager wrote that he would be interested in coming here for the Turkey Day game and D. Barnet, Central athletic manager, mailed contracts to close the agreement.

Wendell Phillips of Chicago remains as a possible foe in case Pearl High negotiations fall through. Dean David Lane of Municipal College, speaking to the student body assembly last week, explained the reasons for the curtailment of football at the institution this fall. He stated that finances and the small number of boys available for the squad were chief causes. U. S.

Exports To Britain Hit 16-Year Peak Washington, Sept. 29 -Aircraft shipments reached a new high in August and helped boost exports to the United for the month to $125,309,000. This was the largest monthly figure since November, The Commerce Department, reporting Sunday on August sales abroad, said that the plane exports totaled $30,000,000 and that exports to Britain were 000 above the July total. The United States' total export during August was 928,000, compared with in the preceding month. Imports amounted to $220.000,000, a decline of $12,000,000 from July.

Exports to Canada rose $7,500,000 to $70.707,000 and those Japan increased $10,000,000 to 188,000. PRODUCE Louisville buying prices averaged by members of the Louisville Mercantile Exchange follow: EGGSUngraded, 54 pounds up 18c No. 1 candled No. 2 candled -14c Pullet -10c All eggs bought rots off. COLORED FOWLSHens.

pounds and up Under pounds -11c Hens. Leghorns, 3 pounds up 8c. Roosters 7c Leghorn roosters 6c SPRINGERS White and Plymouths, 2 and up 3 pounds and UD COLORED SPRINGERSTwo pounds and up 14c Three pounds and up 13c Under 2 pounds 13c Bareback springers and hens discounted Leghorns and giants. pounds up TURKEYSNo. 1 young toms, 12 pounds and up 15c No.

young hens. 8 pounds and up. 18c No. 2 -10c Underweights 10c Old hens 14c Old toms -14c GUINEAS Young, 2 pounds and up, each 40c Young. and 2 pounds.

each 30c Old 25c DUCKS Springs, 4 pounds and up, white 9c Under 4 pounds and colored Geese, 8 pounds and up 6c Creamery Putter (Wholesale and Jobbers. Selling Prices in Louisville) -First grade, 26c pound. Butterfat (Buying Prices in Louisville -First grade, 23c: second grade, 21c pound. Thornwood, and the Southern Indiana Hatcherymen's Association offer the following prices for hatching eggs weighing 23 ounces or better: White. Buff and Brown Leghorns and Anconas, 22c dozen: Barred White and Buff Rocks, White Wyandottes, Black Minorcas.

S. C. Reds. White and Black Australorps. 24c dozen: Buff Orpingtons, Columbia Wyandottes, R.

C. Reds. Buff Minorcas. S. L.

Wyandottes. 26c dozen: White Giants and Brahmas. 28c dozen. The Sporting Thing By LANG ARMSTRONG. 9-30 promised his mother I'd look after him!" Deaths.

RYAN-George age 50 years, at 3 a.m., September 29, 1940, survived by his wife, Naimuna: his mother, Catherine Ryan; brothers. Joseph Lewis J. and Noonan Ryan; sister, Mrs. Anna Floresh. Remains at Lee E.

Cralle 1330 S. 3d. Funeral from Cralle's. 3 p.m. (this) Monday, September 30.

Burial at Bartow, Fla. SENG-Arthur age 52 years. Sunday, September 29. 1940. at 6 a.m., residence, 2018 Grinstead Dr.

Beloved husband of Alice Taylor Seng. devoted father of Mrs. W. E. Fallis, brother of Clinton Seng.

Funeral from Albert Neurath and Son Funeral Home, 725 E. Market Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Interment, Lawrenceburg, Ky. WALKER-Miss Alice, entered into eternal rest Sunday, September 29, 1940. at 6:15 a.m., in her 70th year, at the home of the Aged and Infirm; aunt of Mrs.

Charles Heninan. Remains reposing at the John H. Miller Funeral Home, 1617 W. Jefferson. Funeral services will be held Monday, September 30, at 3 p.m.

from Miller's. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 6 PANKE MONUMENT CO. 817 E.

Jefferson, near Shelby. JA 1863. CREMATION- Get new folder. JA 7566. "Short Reasons for Cremation." LOUISVILLE CREMATORY.

641 Baxter. Funeral Directors. 7 Albert Neurath Son Funeral Home. 725 E. Market St.

JAckson 1191. BARRETT FUNERAL HOME. 1230 Bardstown Road. HI 1758. BLANFORD, T.

A. 2815 S. 4th. MAgnolia 0141-0142. H.

BOSSE SON Broadway At Hanco*ck. JOHN H. MILLER FUNERAL HOME 1617 W. Jefferson Street. JA 5832.


MAgnolia 1011-1012. 4339 Park Blvd. SMITH, GRAN SONS 1029 S. 6th. JAckson 4264.

THE SCHOPPENHORST BROS. Funeral Home. 19th and Market. Lodge Notices. 8 Kilwinning Lodge Number 506, F.

and A. will meet in called communication in Shawnee Temple, 677 S. 40th Tuesday afternoon. October 1, 1940. at 2 o'clock for the purpose of paying the last sad tribute of respect to our departed brother.

Frank G. Bader. Funeral from Manning's at 3 o'clock. Members of the Lodge urged to attend. ROBERT B.

FLINT. Master. J. WELLER CHECK. Secretary.

YORK RITE CONFERENCE. Monday, September 30. at 8 p.m. at DeMolay Hall, 212 W. Broadway.

GUESTS OF HONOR- -All officers and Past Masters of lodges in Louisville and Jefferson County and their ladies. All Chapter, Council and Commandery members should attend with their ladies. Ladies to be entertained by ladies of DeMolay in drill hall during the conference. Dancing. fun and refreshments in drill hall from 9 till 12.

York Rite Committee of Louisville DeMolay Commandery. Lost. 11 BEAGLE PUP. Black, white male; vicinity '803 Franklin. Reward.

CAT-White, male; black spots on back, black tail with white ring at tip: name J. strayed August 15: $5 reward. Ada Samuels, Brooks, Ky. co*ckER SPANIEL Black; answers to name Mickey, liberal reward if returned to 305 S. Birchwood.

Telephone TAylor 6791. DIAMOND RING White gold, solitaire; reward. HIghland 0471-J. DOBERMAN- -Black and tan; male; name reward. HI 4531.

GLASSES- -Bifocals; white gold frames in case. Reward. JAckson 4773. IRISH SETTER and black co*cker: near 3d and Burnett. Reward.

HI 2549-J. SCOTTIE -Black, male: full grown: black collar: near Cherokee Rd. and Grinstead. Reward. HIghland 2961.

WRIST WATCH--L Croton. gold link band: between Crescent Theatre and Hillerest Saturday afternoon. Call TA 4585. PARTY who took brown purse from hospital room Saturday 5 p.m, is known. Please return contents to name enclosed and avoid trouble.

Information--Personals. 13 NEWSPAPER MATS $1 for 100 1300 square feet): suitable for insulating garages, attics, summer cottages, chicken coops, etc. See or phone Mr. Bruner, Mailing Room, The CourierJournal Times. FUR COATS restyled, cleaned by hand.

expert workmanship, at summer prices; all work guaranteed: terms arranged. Sudosk. 125 West Market, INNERSPRING MATTRESSES, $8.50: made from your old mattress. Oneday service. Riney.

JA 2487-MA 4566. AN ATTIC remodeled. adds a fine new room to your home. at low cost. B.

J. Johnson Sons MAgnolia 0175. CLOGGED sewers cleaned: electric Roto-Rooters; no digging. HI 6677. Services Offered Services Offered- -General.

14 from floors sanded. a RASIONS- marks removed foot: sanders rented. SH 4006. ABRASIONS removed from floors; floors sanded foot. SH 4743.00 BOTTLE GAS SERVICE installation.

$13.50. Stockhoff Hardware Co. JA 4354. CLOGGED DRAINS cleaned, new electric method: year guarantee. MA 6496.

"CONCRETE That Lasts Forever" by Kaufman Koncrete Kompany, Inc. Commercial and repairs. Can finance F.H.A. HIghland 2470. CONCRETING Chimney pointing, basem*nts waterproofed: reference.

McCubbins. JAckson 0412. EXTERMINATORS -Kill all termites. insects: reasonable. 1216 1st.

MA 2234. FURNACES Repairing. any make. T. J.

Cook. WAbash 6760 FURNACE REPAIRS Cleaning, chimney cleaning. pointing: roof painting. Graston. SHawnee 6412-W.

HARDWOOD Floors- -Sanded and finished: 33 vears' experience. Malone, WAbash 6752. MATTRESSES REWORKED $2.75. Special on inner-springs, glider pads, pillows. SHawnee 3005-J.

WASHER AND REFRIGERATOR service by factory trained service man; free inspection. Gas Electric Shop. 3305. Building Service, Repair. 15 A CLASSIFIED "wanted" ad will find what you want.

now: Building Service, Repair. 15 CONCRETE WORK Residence repair work a specialty; 5-year guarantee. Alph C. Kaufman. HIghland 2685.

Dressmaking--Sewing. 17-A COVERS, Draperies- -Fit guaranteed; welted; reasonable. SHawnee 2178-W. Electrical Work. 18 JIMMY LONGACRE Electric Shop- Let me wrestle your electrical trouble TAylor 2425.

Furniture Repairing. 19 MASON CABINET Shop Cabinets made repairing and remodeling. MAgnolia 1287. REX-Refinishing. upholstering.

ing, antiques rebuilt; guaranteed. 1234 W. Market. WAbash 5641. Laundering.

20 DAMP WASH washed sweet and clean, returned ready to iron; 4c per pound. JAckson 5141. Community Family Laundry AP Wirephoto. Jim Berger Follows Big Brother. SELECTIONS HAWTHORNE FIRST RACE Purse, $800; claiming; maiden 2-year-olds: six furlongs: Sir Mortimer 113 Charming Sudie 110 Double Rab .115 Thunderer 110 Lady 105 105 Bosky Dell .110 Fast 107 Sir Rex 113 Town 110 Nani Leonai 112 Brother Jim 113 Ceepeetee (1) 115 Sylvian Dell 110 Borders Boy Valdina Flame (2) 115 (3) 115 Mexicana con 115 Seventh Day 112 Second Sound 115 Gypsy Monarch 113 SECOND RACE- Purse.

$800: claiming: 3-year-olds: six and one-half furlongs: Dutch Dame 111 Schnozzle (1) 114 Buss 111 Wing Myth 108 109 Molest 111 Mighty Fine 111 Trim Stepper Harmony 106 (2) 111 SA Livery .111 109 Reality 111 103 Illinois Torn Tenblow 114 (3) 111 Advice 103 Takitfrome 106 Uproar 114 103 Crumpet 108 THIRD RACE -Purse, $800; claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; six onehalf furlongs: Canrod F. 110 Due 102 Street Arab 112 Stroke (2) 109 (1) 111 Syl's Betty 103 Swap 110 Dogrose Not 102 Black River 112 Wave 105 105 The Boxer 110 Yetive (3) 113 Buddie Treacy -110 Panjab 106 Gray Ethel 102 105 Wage Earner 112 FOURTH RACE Purse, claiming: 3-year-olds; one and one-sixteenth miles: Maurice K. (2) 112 Stans 107 104 Hour 107 Mellow Moon 109 Lass 104 Montana Miss 109 Chief Counsel 112 Three Sands Jungle Moon 112 (3) 112 Patras (1) 112 107 Secret Desire 109 Little Gay 109 Office Hour 112 Speedy Squaw 109 FIFTH RACE -Purse, claiming: 2-year-olds; one mile: Gallant Sis 108 Chocolate Maid. 106 Way (1) 106 Lady Lyonors Mad Bachelor 109 Aljack (2) 109 Belle 103 Hope 101 SIXTH RACE--Purse, allowances: 3-year-olds and upward; six furlongs: POTRANCO (1) 112 Miss Harriett Mission Step 112 Gold 104 King's Blue (2) 117 (3) L. 104 All Lizzie 106 SEVENTH RACE- Purse, claiming: 4-year-olds and upward; one mile and one-sixteenth: 102 Sir Ajax (3) 116 Some Boy 112 Carrickore 113 Southland Gem 112 Kosse 112 Mayro (1) 113 Perplex 107 108 Born Happy (2) 116 Doug Brashear.

109 EIGHTH RACE -Purse, claiming: 4-year-olds and upward; one mile and one-sixteenth: Calsbad 107 Royal 111 102 Buyer Beware 109 Mardromel (3) 113 Fungi 108 Bud 102 Montoso James .107 Veeks 109 Harvey G. 0. Me 104 (1) 116 Sheets (2) 111 NINTH RACE (Substitute) -Purse, $800: claiming: 2-vear-olds; six furlongs: Ariel Girl (3) Bright Play 110 Prahs 113 108 Miss 105 Port Spin 113 Texas Way (1) .115 Wallace E. 113 Pucky 110 Helen Play 112 My Dance (2) 113 Beau Brannon Tundra 110 Mr. Serajeco 108 Wawchatter 110 Good Doctor .115 allowance claimed.

Weather, clear: track, fast. Vols Shut Out Houston Houston, Texas, Sept. 29 (A)- Nashville took a lead of 3 games to 1 in the Dixie Series today by beating Houston 6-0. Ace Adams, Vol pitcher, scattered eight hits. Deaths and Funerals ARTHUR SENG, 52, of 2018 Grinstead died at Sunday at the Deaconess Hospital.

Assistant treasurer of the Commonwealth Life Insurance Company for twenty-five years, he retired four years ago. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Alice Seng; daughter, Mrs. W. E.

Fallis, Jr. and a brother, Clinton Seng. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Neurath's Funeral Home. Burial will be at Lawrenceburg, Ky.

MISS SUSAN HUMPHREYS, 77. of the Puritan Apartments, died at 10:30 p.m. Sunday in Norton Memorial Infirmary, Two brothers, James Humphreys. Mershons, and William Humphreys, survive. She was an active member of the Woman's Club and the Business and Professional Women's Club.

Before retiring several years ago, she waN purchasing agent for The CourierJournal Job Printing Company, GEORGE W. RYAN, 50, of 1238 S. Brook, claim investigator for the Louisville Nashville Railroad for eighteen years. died at 3 Sunday at the Jewish Hospital. Survivors are his wife, Mrs.

Naimuna Ryan; his mother. Mrs. Joseph M. Ryan; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Floersh, Nashville.

and three brothers, J. M. Ryan, T. N. Ryan and Louis Ryan.

Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday at the Lee Cralle Funeral Home. Burial will be at Bartow, Fla. MRS. BERTHA STAMBLER.

Funeral services for Mrs. Stambler, 51. who died at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the residence, 877 Water, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Neurath's Funeral Home.

Burial will be in Eastern Cemetery. Surviving is her husband, Benjamin Stambler, FRANK G. BADER, 62, Shively produce merchant, died at 7:25 a.m. Sunday in St. Joseph Surviving are three daughters, Mrs.

Madie Rickert, Miss Elsie Louise Bader and Miss Doris Mae Bader; a son. Robert L. Bader, and a grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Manning's.

Burial will be in Resthaven Cemetery. MISS ALICE WALKER, 70, died at 6:15 a.m. Sunday at the Home of the Aged and Infirm, Shively. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday at the John H.

Miller Funeral Home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. JOSEPH F. HEUBNER, 73, died at 11:34 p.m. Saturday at his home, 2915 Magazine.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jeanette Heubner: a son. Don Heubner; four daughters, Mrs. Beulah Smith. Mrs.

J. T. Bedford. Mrs. Ethel Glasser and Mrs.

J. H. McDermott: two sisters. Mrs. Lydia Beard and Mrs.

B. P. Prewitt. both of Los Angeles: a brother, O. J.

Heubner, Chicago: six grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Carl Herbold Funeral Home, Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. JOHN PARKER MORTON. 51, died at 4:25 a.m.

Sunday at his home in Okolona. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Morton: a son. John Parker Morton. two daughters.

Miss Ann Marie Morton and Miss Mary Laverne Morton: a sister. Mrs. Minnie Telly: three brothers. L. Morton.

Harry Morton and R. M. Morton, and a grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday at the residence and 9 a.m.

at St. Rita's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Moving, Packing, Storage. 21 MOVING Responsible help; padded vans.

Special rates next 30 days. Sadler Williams. SHawnee 0697. RALPH MOVERS -White help; special this month. stoves connected free.

SHawnee 2516. Painting, Papering. 23 CASEING. papering, steaming, cleaning. painting and plastering.

Yurt, MAgnolia 4770-R PAINTING. Decorating Interior. exterior; remodeling; references. McNulty Bros. SHawnee 3620-J.

PAPER-Furnished, hung, any size room, $4.50. Graham. SHawnee 5781. PAPER hung. roll; samples shown; plastering.

painting. SHawnee 5577. PAPER HANGING. 15c roll; roof, house painting. Dale.

SHawnee 4235-R. PAPERING. steaming, plastering; latest patterns; reasonable prices. Hesson. HIghland 4366.

PAPERING, painting, steaming, cleaning; excellent work; reasonable. Foster. MA 1140-J. PAPERING Free estimate: immediate service; satisfaction guaranteed; references. SHawnee 3620-J.

PAPERING- Furnished. hung $4.50 room; also painting. Hafling. MAgnolia 0426. Photo.

The Doctors Bear Down Dr. Harry Lopp and Dr. G. L. Dyer were two of the major winners in the Highland Park Gun Club's annual trophy shoot.

Paper Blasts British Plants For Slowness London, Sept. 29 -The Sunday Dispatch charged Sunday Britain's aircraft production was being hampered by the refusal of firms to permit their employes to work during air raids, and demanded that the Government take over control of these factories if there is no way of speeding up production. newspaper, under the headline "The Great Aircraft Scandal," published a full page of letters from workers who in some cases blamed the management for night-long stoppages. Maurice Baum, 700 West doing business at 726 West Broadway, hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail liquor dealer by the package under the State law. James Stanley Cooper, 1431 St.

James Court, doing business 1562 South Ninth Street, hereby declares his intention to apply for license as retail beer dealer. NOTICE OF TAX ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON FIFTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF BURKLEY AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF TENNEY AVENUE. The owners of property abutting upon in the assessment area adjacent to Fifth Street from the south line of Burkley Avenue to the north line of Tenney Avenue, are hereby notified that the aforesaid street has been improved by original construction and that the cost of such improvement has been apportioned among such owners and assessed against them as follows: Block 2540. Lot. Name.

Amount. 1 Buentenbach. Louisa and Lena Hirst and Ida B. Deppen 47.38 2 Pormann. Hedwig 21.84 34 Ewing, Hubert A.

14.31 Fallis, Hattie R. 6.52 Krebs. Charles W. .54 28 Myers, Chester and Gladys. 145.79 8 Showalter, Ernest T.

and Glyndon 167.31 27 Bauer, Fred A. and Gertrude 149.78 9 Cronin, Daniel E. and Matilda 158.15 26 Kendall, Rich M. 230.48 10 Scobee, Dorcus and Bettie Gibson 179.30 25 Chappell, C. B.

and Emma 222.77 11 Blaydes, F. L. 336.87 18 Kothen, Hilde 282.53 33 Brugge, Emil and Anna 181.07 32 Brugge, Emil and Anna 131.07 12 Schultheis, Chris and Caroline 181.07 31 Smith, George T. and Eva 181.07 30 Trammel. L.

S. and Grace 181.07 29 Smith, George T. 181.07 20 McDonald, Oscar and Laura 271.67 21 Sanders, Margaret 181.07 15 Carter, John H. and Anna Jones 181.07 22 Carter, Anna Lou 181.07 Block 2448. Wurtele, Ethel 76.65 Bitzer, P.

Bodley 43.47 Bitzer. J. Clarence 47.60 Voelcker, Adelaide 62.85 Voelcker, Adelaide 125.69 Voelcker, Adelaide 612.59 Wurtele, Ethel 236.35 10 Bitzer, P. 236.35 11 6 Bitzer. Bodley 236.35 Bitzer, J.

Clarence 165.72 Block 2449. 21 Bitzer, J. Clarence 62.85 Bitzer. Bodley 62.85 2 Martin, Charles and Iona 67.81 20 Baker. Everett H.

114.72 Schuster, J. G. and Anna 31.04 3 12 Stone, Clarence J. and Frances 89.25 24 Lewis, R. Roy and Carrie L.

235.05 23 J. Clarence 187.45 22 Bitzer, J. Clarence 70.63 5 Bitzer, Bodley 187.45 6 Rankin, Geo. W. and Mary 163.00 19 Rankin, Geo.

W. and Mary 163.00 16 Stopinski, Martin I. 163.00 Bosemer, Amelia 181.07 18 Boswell, C. S. and Maud 181.07 17 Kosse, Joseph B.

181,07 8 Louisville Asphalt Company 271.67 26 Sipes, Walter A. and Moda 183.28 25 Hoover, Rupert C. and Etta 183.28 10 Carrier, Evelyn P. 231.10 Total $8,719.13 All of the aforesaid taxes and revenue shall be due and payable to the Director of Finance within thirty days from the 25th day of September, 1940, which was the effective date of the ordinance assessing such taxes. Such taxes may, at the option of the property owners, be payable in cash without interest, within such thirty days, or in ten equal annual installments.

Any property owner who desires to exercise the privilege of payment by installment shall, before the expiration of the said thirty days, pay in cash one-tenth of the assessment against him and enter into an agreement in writing with the City that in consideration of such privilege he will make no objections to any illegality or irregularity in the assessment. levy or imposition of said tax against his property, in the manner provided in Section 2839 of Carroll's Kentucky Statutes of 1930. Any property owner entering into such an agreement or who exercises the option to pay in installments shall be concluded thereby, and shall waive any defense against the assessment, levy payment of such taxes. In all cases where such agreements have not been filed within the time limit, the entire tax shall be payable in cash without interest at the expiration of said thirty days. Any such tax not paid within said thirty days shall bear interest at the rate of per annum from the date of said assessment and levy.

Unless persons, who in the aggregate are liable for at least $1,000.00 in excess of the cash payments made or provided for. exercise the option to pay on the installment plan. said option shall cease and terminate and the said entire tax shall be payable in cash and collected as provided above. If any person liable for any part of said assessment defaults in payment on any installment of such tax or interest for one month after the same becomes due, a penalty of of the installments in arrears shall be added thereto. which shall constitute a like lien as the tax.

and all unpaid installments of such tax of such person shall. at the option of the City or of any holder of a bond secured thereby, forthwith become due and payable. Any property owner desiring to take advantage of the installment plan in paying said street improvement tax must call upon the Director of Finance within the time specified and enter into an agreement with the City, as hereinabove provided. JOHN R. LINDSAY.

Director of Finance. City of Louisville, Ky. Automotive Lafayette Tips Muncie Sept. 29 (P) The Lafayette' Red Sox prolonged the Indiana-Ohio Baseball League championship playoff today by turning back the Muncie Citizens, 4-3, in 11 innings. The victory gave Lafayette two triumphs to three for Muncie in the best four-of-seven series.

The Courier -Journal Entered at the Louisville Postoffice as Mail Matter of the Second Class. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. DAILY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr. 6 Mos.

3 Mos. 1 Mo. All of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee $6.00 $3.00 $1.50 $0.50 All other States 7.20 3.60 1.80 .60 DAILY AND SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr. 6 Mos.

3 Mos. 1 Mo. All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee $9.00 $4.50 $2.25 $0.75 All other States 10.20 5.10 2.55 .85 SUNDAY COURIER Yr. 6 Mos.

3 Mos. 1 Mo. All of Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee $3.00 $1.60 $0.85 $0.40 All other States 3.40 1.80 .95 .40 A single copy of any wee issue mailed for 5 cents: Sunday mailed for 10 cents. Mail orders not accepted from localities served by delivery RATES FOR CARRIER DELIVERY.

In Louisville. New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal, 20e week: Sunday only. 10c. Daily Courier-Journal. Sunday CourierJournal.

Louisville Times for 35c a week. All to the same address. Outside of Louisville. New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal. 25c week.

Daily Courier-Journal, Sunday, CourierJournal. Louisville to same address. 40c week. CLASSIFIED ADS The Courier- -Journal The Louisville Times ALLIED TRADES UNION COUNCIL LOUT TILL Indexed Quick Service Ads ordered telephone are acfor, cepted from patrons listed in the telephone or city directory on memorandum charge only Ads ordered for seven insertions. but canceled before expiration date.

are charged at the rate earned for the actual number of davs they appeared. The Courier-Journal and Times will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Notice of errors must be given in time for correction before next insertion. CLOSING TIME. SEA Classified Ads accepted until £:30 p.m for The Courier-Journal: 11 a.m.

for The Louisville Times: 9 p.m. Saturday for The Sunday Courier-Journal. Ads to appear in Sunday mail editions should be received by 9 p.m. Friday, Announcements Deaths. BADE 1940, -Frank at 7:25 Sunday, St.

September Joseph's Infirmary; residence. Shively, Ky. Beloved father of Mrs. Madie' Rickert, Elsie Louise, Doris Mae and Robert L. Bader; also survived by 1 grandchild.

Remains at Manning's Funeral Home. 612 W. Broadway. Funeral Tuesday, October 1, 1940. from the chapel at 3 p.m.

Interment in Resthaven Cemetery, LANTON at 4:20 p.m.. Green. beloved September husband of Mrs. Mary Akridge Blanton, father of Mrs. Joseph E.

Ott. Mrs. Thomas J. Burke, William and John Blanton, son of Mrs. Anna Pryor Blanton, brother of Mrs.

Hester Matherly, Henry, Logan. Thomas and John Blanton. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Burke, 2018 North Western Parkway, Time an-. nounced later.

BROWN -Charles Friday. September 27, 1940. at 10:15 p.m., in his 36th year, beloved husband of Thelma Brown, father of Charles F. Brown, brother of Edward Brown of Little Otter. Va.

Funeral from Schoppenhorst Bros. Funeral Home, 1832 W. Market Monday, September 30. at 2 p.m. Interment in Resthaven Cemetery.

HAYS-Mrs. Grace Blaydes, at the home of her brother. H. B. Blaydes, La Grange, Saturday, September Mother of Mrs.

Thomas Weakley, of Pleasureville. and Fred C. Hays, of Frankfort. sister of Mrs. Jessie Campbell, of Louisville, and Dr.

11. B. Blaydes, of La Grange. Ky. Funeral from the residence of Dr.

Blaydes, Monday. September 30. at 2 p.m. Burial in Grove Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville. Ky.

Shelby County papers, please copy. HUEBNER-Joseph Saturday, September 28. 1940. 11:34 p.m.. in his 73d vear at his residence, 2915 Magazine St.

Beloved husband of Jeanette Huebner (nee Wheeler): father of Don Huebner, Mrs. Buelah Smith. Mrs. J. T.

Bedford, Mrs. Ethel Glasser and Mrs. J. H. McDermott: brother of Mrs.

Lydia Beard and Mrs. B. P. Prewitt, both of Los Angeles, and O. J.

Huebner, of Chicago, Ill. Also survived by 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Carl E. Herbold Funeral Home, 20th and Broadway. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

LE GATE-Rufus Lee. Sunday. September 29. 1940, at 12:30 a.m., in his 70th year; residence, 1119 W. West New Albany, beloved husband of Mrs.

Missouri Le Gate. Funeral services Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence. Interment in Fairview Cemetery, New Albany. MOREY-John at 3:30 p.m., September 27. 1940.

at his residence. 1614 Rosewood. Survived by his wife. Amy Garvin Morey; 3 sons. John G.

Morey. Joseph W. Morey. Detroit. Samuel Garvin Morey: daughter.

Mrs. Ralph H. Mavhew. the last two of Wauwatosa. 2 sisters.

Mrs. Alfred B. Hall. Williamsville. N.

Mrs. Henry Straub of Marion. Ohio. and 4 grandchildren. Remains at Lee E.

Cralle 1330 S. 3d St. Funeral from Cralle's at 10 a.m. Monday. September 30.

Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. Detroit, papers, please copy. MORTON-John Parker, September 29, 1940, at 4:25 a.m. in his 51st year at his residence. Okolona.

Ky. Beloved husband of Mary Grantz Morton; devoted father of John Parker, and Ann Marie and Mary Laverne: brother of Mrs. Minnie Pelly, L. L. and Harry and R.

M. Morton; also 1 grandchild. Funeral from the residence Tuesday. October 1st. at 8:30 a.m.

and from St. Rita's Church at 9 a.m. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Holy Name Society and members of the parish will meet at the home to recite the Rosary Monday evening at 8 p.m. Automobiles for Sale.

27 BUICK-1936 Sedan: radio, heater other extras; owner wants to sell will take $85.50 cash or car of equal value and make notes of 319.40 per month; car left in my possession, Can be seen at Premier Motors' used car lot. 1426 W. Broadway. or call C. D.

Smith, MAgnolia 4178. BUICK 1936 Sedan; trunk, radio, heater. BROADWAY MOTOR CO. 519-21 E. Broadway.

BUICK- Sedan. 1931: fine condition; radio, spotlight: $85. 422 Camp. BUICK-1940, 4-door sedan; 40 series. 919 S.

2d. CHEVROLET 1931 Sedan--Very good condition; just the thing for driving to work; good tires; special today, $125. Nash Louisville 423 E. Broadway. JAckson 6561, CHEVROLET 1936 Master 4-Door Touring Sedan--Gray metallic finish: nice clean car; priced to sell.

Welker's Lot. 333 E. Broadway at Preston. CHEVROLET 1936 Tudor: overhauled motor; black; low mileage; priced right. SCHOO MOTOR CO.

WAbash 4239. 634 S. 3d. CHEVROLET 1937 Master 2-Door; trunk, good tires: quiet motor: $365. B.

B. MOTORS. INC. Corner Lot. 3d and York.

JA 4431. CHEVROLET- Late 1939 4-door touring sedan: original finish; upholstery like new; low mileage; heater; $425; part payment. 1513 1st. CHEVROLET 1932 4-Door Sedan-Very clean. CARL'S AUTO SERVICE.

1116 S. Shelby. MA 5479. CHEVROLET 1936 Coach: $195. FALLS CITY PONTIAC CO.

418 1 E. Broadway. WA 2423. CHEVROLET-1939 Master Sport Sedan: radio, heater: 11,000 miles. C.

F. Smith Motor 26th and Hale. SH 2243. CHEVROLET. 1932-Sell or trade for later model.

3808 Vermont. CHEVROLET-1939 Master De Luxe Coupe; radio; reasonable. 1615 S. 1st. DE SOTO 1936 Sedan: trunk.

heater. We carry our own notes. Abbott Motor 943 S. 3d. Dodge 1940 Demonstrator 4-door Sedan.

radio, heater. white sidewall tires; dual horns. very low mileage. Big discount. Will trade.

Give 24 months on balance. FAIRDALE MOTORS 950 S. 3d St. JAckson 7101. Open Evenings.

3d St. Is Closed- -Come In Alley. DODGE 1937 2-Door Sedan; $395. Highland Chevrolet 856 S. Third St.

JAckson 5722. DODGE 1934 Sedan; $40 down, balance monthly or weekly. Montgomery Auto 2d and Liberty. DODGE 1935 2-Door Sedan; very reasonable. 2216 S.

Shelby. ESSEX Coupe, 1930: motor perfect; good tires; original paint; sacrifice $50. 1524 Shelby. MA 6255-M. FORD-1938 Coach: radio, heater, defrosters.

Car has had the best of care. Can be bought for a song. Your old car will be the down payment. Call or see Mr. Reidly, Premier Motors, used car lot.

MAgnolia 4178. FORD-1936 Tudor; a late series Ford; clean inside and out; motor in excellent condition: will sacrifice: trade and terms arranged. Call or see Mr. Shadwell. MAgnolia 4178, anytime.

FORD 1936 Tudor-Radio, heater; new motor and tires: make offer at once. SHawnee 8315-J. FORD 1939 miles; just like new; black finish; sell at a bargain. Martin Motors Co. Jeffersontown 147.

FORD 1939 Tudor -Like new: special, $395: $75 down. National Auto Sales, 432 E. Broadway JAckson 4665. FORD-1934 coach, dandy; $110. HAUSMAN MOTORS St Helens.

SHawnee 6360. FORD-1930: A-1 shape: good tires, heater: 2116 W. Jefferson. FORD 1931 Model Sedan; new tires, battery. 1116 Julia.

HUDSON 1940 4-Door De Luxe SedanAir foam seats: over drive: $695. Riedley Motor 18th and Jefferson. SHawnee 3836. LINCOLN ZEPHYR-1937 Coupe; like new; $50 down. KING AUTO SALES 944 S.

3d. JAckson 1921. OLDSMOBILE 1939 "80" Coach; radio; perfect condition: must sell today: bargain. Owner. 2306 Maple St.

PACKARD-1937 Sedan: trunk, radio: swell: $345; $45 down. KING AUTO SALES 944 S. 3d. JAckson 1921. PLYMOUTH 1934 Sedan -Original black finish; extra clean throughout; $225, B.

B. MOTORS INC. Corner Lot, 3d and York. JA 4431. PLYMOUTH 1935 De Luxe 4-Door Sedan: trunk: exceptionally nice: $265.

B. B. MOTORS, INC. Corner Lot. 3d and York.

J.A 4431. PLYMOUTH- -Late 1937 de luxe sedan: perfect shape; clean throughout; owner: sacrifice. $325. 1619 S. 3d.

PLYMOUTH-1938 4-door sedan. Lehman's Auto Service, Chrysler. outh dealers. 3410 W. Market.

SH 4646. PLYMOUTH passenger: excellent condition; private owner. Call TA 6626. for Sale Autos COACH BUILDING MECHANICS' SALE Realizing That You Need Reliable Transportation to and From the Job, Universal Car Co. Can Now Offer You a SPECIAL PURCHASE PLAN Enabling You to Carry Fellow Workers and Pay Out of Earnings The best values of the year come in our stock at this time due to the 1941 Chevrolet introduction.

Hundreds of family-owned, low-mileage cars are traded and sold by Universal monthly, YES WE WILL TAKE TRADE-INS ON THESE CARS 1940 CHEVROLET Special De Luxe 1939. DODGE 4-Door Sedan--In 4-Door-Trunk. radio. heater: fac- dandy shape; just coming out of tory executive's personal car. Save our conditioning plant $575 over $200.

1937 CHEVROLET De Luxe Coupe1939 CHEVROLET Coach With A black beauty, with many thoutrunk: ideal 5-passenger car: only sands of miles left $395 one owner $545 1937 FORD Tudor--Good tires and 1936 FORD Tudor--Trunk: beautiful paint: all-steel top; will give good black paint; good tires. See to aptrade $325 preciate $265 1936 CHEVROLET Coach--Here is 1933 PLYMOUTH Coach Clean: the economy car; with steel top, this car is in top shape. Reduced hydraulic brakes $295 today to only $125 NOWHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND CARS LIKE THESE: 1935 CHEVROLET Standard Coach 1930 FORD 4-Door Sedan -One of -Good paint and tires; thoroughly the few good Model availconditioned $195 able $95 1932 CHEVROLET Coupe-Owned 1940 CHEVROLET- wheelbase: by elderly man; plenty good for stake body, wheels; never winter $95 driven a mile. plenty. duave We Absolutely Refuse to Handle Taxicabs or Drive-It-Yourself Cars- Assuring Purchasers a Better-Than-Average Value We Handle Time Payments -You Pay Direct to Us All UNIVERSAL CAR CO.

25TH TO 26TH ON BROADWAY Come In Tonight-Open 'Til Nine Not Open Sunday REMEMBER-Universal Holds First Place In Used Car Values, and Operates Louisville's Finest Reconditioning Plant 7..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.