The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY APRIL' 28 4940 SECTION ONE PAGE THREE HENRY ORD SAYS EUROPEAN CONLICT WAR INDIVIDUALS DECLARES PEOPLE WHO WORK DO NOT WANTTO IGHT Motor Magnate Thinks Next Decade Wil! Bring More Progress Socially Eco nomically and Industrial ly Than In Recent History By DAVID WILKIE Detroit April 27 (ZP) Henry ord one of the most ardent ad vocates of and look ed into the future today and assert ed that the next decade would bring more progress socially economically and industrially than many past generations It would bring also he said wider understanding of the avarice and greed for power on the part of a few individuals that precipitates na tions into war are coming upon a better civilization based on a broader realization of the benefits of educa tion inventive genius and the de velopment of a greater common fel ord added in an inter view Six months ago the 76 year old in dustrialist asserted there was some thing about the war on Western front Today he said there is still an about the war that would lead honest thinking man or woman to to its possesses an he explained "because in none of the nation involved do any of the peo ple who or who want to work for their really want any part of it know this as well as I do It is a war of a few individuals lust ful for profit and power who wan der about the world seeking to con trol it and its ord referred to his famous of 1915 an undertaking which he said cost him about $400000 but gave him a dollars worth of peace ship ex pedition most certainly was not a failure as far as I am he said often have been he went on I left the expedition as ear ly as I did I left it because I found out what I wanted to know that a small group of individuals was pro moting the World war It is exactly the same story today the same kind of a group is trying to engulf the world in another war It is a group that knows and wants to use for its money excepting the manufacture and sale of munitions who really wants to know the ord continued find out that the same indivi duals who are promoting the war in England and rance are supporting it in Recruiting Notes Six men from the Owensboro dis trict have been called for enlist ment in the navy on April 30th If they pass their final examinations at Louisville on that date they will be sent direct to the naval training station at Great Lakes Ill for an eight weeks course of instruction be fore being sent to some service school for further instruction or to sea for service aboard vessels of the fleet Those called for enlistment are: Joseph Urban Medley of Owens boro Clarence Vernon Hamed Jr of Sacramento Jesse Stanton Ma son of Beaver Dam Lawrence Mc Clellan of No 1 Rumsey Rudolph Earby Morgan of No 2 Dawson Springs and James Everett Dukes of Madisonville Word has been received at the recruiting station that the five men enlisted on April 16th and sent to Great Lakes for their period on training have been assigned to Com pany No 28 and are progressing with the required drills and lectures Those enlisted on the 16th were Elwood Stephen Johnson of No 1 Lewisport James Lawrence Stokes of Rumsey William Heltslev Jr of No 2 White Plains Conrad A Ward of No 3 Hartford and Raymond Howard Harris of South Carrollton A letter from Bryon Ray Over field formerly of No 2 Corydon who enlisted in the navy on April 17th through the Owens boro recruiting station states that he is also assigned to Company No 28 and has met a number of Owens boro boys at the training station at Great Lakes among them Silas Matthew Burns of 1206 Hall street and James Robert Taylor son of rank Taylor chief of the fire de partment of Owensboro Both of these boys are now home on leave visiting friends and relations before going to sea for active service in the fleet Teddy Wilson son of Clarence Wilson of Clay is home on twelve days leave from the training station at Great Lakes He will return to the station on the 29th and immed iately leave for some seaport in California where he will go aboard one of the vessels of the fleet for service at sea He hopes to be as signed to one of the new cruisers It is estimated that immediately after the embargo about $170000 000 worth of rench and British aircraft orders were placed in the United States Kentuckians In West MH BWM! Shown above are Mr and Mrs Stuart Carter and son James who left Owensboro a few months ago for Phoenix Arizona and Roy Rum mage state insurance commissioner of Arizona who left the Red Hill section a few miles south of Owensboro in 1919 Mr Carter writes his father Dr James Carter Whitesville of their favorable impressions of the Phoenix section and enclosed several pictures showing the growth of cactus in what most eastern residents think of as desert country Mortons Gap High School To Graduate 13 Seniors May 17 Mortons Gap Ky April The Mortons Gap high school will have 13 graduates on May 17 with Miss Mildred Gatlin daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Gatlin as valedictorian The salutatorian will be Mildred Price daughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Price The sponsor of the class is Principal Brown Jr Class colors are orchid and white Class officers are as follows: Mil June day A feud assumes propor tions Act II is a few minutes later and the hills grow wilder every min ute In Act III Emmy brings order out of chaos The cast is as follows: Jethro Whitfield Martha Prince: Wilma Rash Mary A Moore Gladys owl er Rose Braden Paul Bruce Joe Kington Odell Boyd Louise Knight and Chester Whitfield DERBY WEEK SPECIALS SHAMPOO INGER Let us help you pick the winner at Churchill Downs next Saturday by designing a new hair style that will be a favorite at any track! ALWAYS A WINNER! WAVE and HAIR CUT 25c Each Our Regular $250 Steam Oil Wave Complete Mon Tues and Wed Only! A SURE SHOT! I NO PHOTO INISH! Regular $400 Aft Regular $500 (frO ft A Wave for Wave for JVU A Charming ft Permanent Wave I $i3ST $2 We Strive to Make Appointments to Suit Your Convenience personal SERVICE! dred Gatlin president Paul Bruce vice president Mary Alice Moore secretary Gladys owler treasurer The Mortons Gap high school was organized in 1932 Since that time 100 have completed the course of study The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev Albert Wink ler at the irst Christian church Mortons Gap at 8 pm on May 12 Class night will be held at 8 pm May 10 at the high school auditor ium ollowing class night exercises there will be an alumni reunion The following are on the class night program: Master of ceremonies Paul Bruce salutatory address Martha Prince historian Gladys owler class poem Rosa Braden grumblers Mary Gatlin Moore and Jethro Whitfield giftorian Mary Jewell oster prophecy Wilma Rash class jokes Louise Knight last will and testament Mary Alice Moore valedictory Mildred Gatlin class elegy Lois Hunter epitaph Lorene Carroll The Senior class will present the class play at 8 pm May 15 in the high school auditorium The play is a comedy in three acts The scene takes place in the living room of Ma cabin in the Ozark Mountains on a THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE I A SAE DEPOSIT BOX BANK PROVEN irst Owensboro Bank Trust Co MEMBER EDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The commencement address will be delivered by Dr Gordon Wilson chairman of the English depart ment of the Western Kentucky college Bowling Green The graduates are as follows: Mary Alice Moore Gladys owler Lois Hunter Wilma Rash Martha Prince Jethro Whitfield Paul Bruce Lorene Carroll Rosa Braden Mildred Gatlin Bary Gatlin Moore Mary Jewell oster and Louise Knight SUTHERLAND HOMEMAKERS TO HAVE HOMECOMING ON MAY 27 Plans for a homecoming meeting to be held at the home of Mrs Wil liam Mitchell May 27 were made at the monthly meeting of the Suther land Homemakers club at the home of Mrs Sebastian Weikel Monday afternoon Committees were ap pointed as follows: Transportation Mesdames Luttrell William Wright Gertrude McQuigg refresh ments Mesdames Rufus Baker red Burns Stanley Yeiser entertain ment Mesdames George Vestal Best Clem Hamilton and Sebas tian Weikel Plans for 100 per cent attendance of both new and old members were made Arrangements were made to at tend the District ederation meet ing at Bremen May 4 Suggestions for major and minor projects for the coming year were discussed Mrs Wright reading chairman re ported the addition of to the club library Reports on home improvement rearrangement of kit chens and food and nutrition were made A kitchen tour will be held Mesdames Otis Brumley George Hudson and Miss Mary Wink were enrolled as new members Mrs red Burns leader gave the landscape gardening lesson Mrs A Baird and Mrs William Mit chell the major project lesson on Mrs George Vestal led the club in singing Songs to be used at the district meeting at Bremen were rehearsed Delicious refreshments were served to members including Mesdames Ballon Charles Baird Hollis Baker Roy Brown Rufus Baker George Best Best Clem Hamilton Luttrell Richard Leet Tom Leet Homer McCormick Gertrude McQuigg Medcalf William Mitchell Vernon Reynolds Smith Sherman Taylor George Vestal Sebastian Weikel William Wright Stanley Yeiser South Rose Bryant Chrysler and Miss Venice Lovelady and visitors Mesdames Akers Otis Brumley George Hudson Albert Kamuf Misses Mary Wink Beverly Hamilton and Lottie Ruth Hamilton BUSINESS OUTLOOK IN IS NOW BRIGHTER White Sulphur Springs Va April 27 (ZP An improved outlook for American business was reported today by Dr Claudius Murchcson president of the Cotton Textile Insti tute Inc Business stagnation talked about early this year as on the way has failed to develop and pressure for further experimental laws affecting trade has vanished Murchison said in a speech prepared for delivery before the American Cotton Manu facturers Association here WHITESVILLE TO PRESENT COMEDY Senior Class to Give riday May 3 Annual Class Play "Laugh will be presented by the Senior class of Whitesville high school at the school auditorium riday night May 3 The play is being directed by rank Bruner principal Tire play is a modern mystery comedy written by Eaddy who has written several well known plays In the story ritz Benton and Dan ny Polling ex prisoners from Sing Sing come to Mrs and are hired as butler and chauffeur Her son Arthur comes home and a for ty thousand dollar' diamond is stolen from his fiancee With a lot of fun and adventure the mystery is finally solved and the diaihond recovered The seniors taking part in the play are: Louise McPherson as Mrs Hur ley Dorothy Martin as Patricia Hur ley Agatha Westerfield as Evelyn Hurley Robert Philpot as Arthur Hurley Cleveland McKinley as ritz Benton Harvey Wells as Dan ny Polling Sarah Ruth Rearden as Gallagher Starling Allie Rogers as Dale Terrence Derward Upchurch as Dr Pratt Mary Hendrickson as Minstrel Man Gene rey will take the part of in the St Parish Moon Min strels' which will be presented in the cathedral auditorium at 8:15 today and Tuesday rey is shown above as he will appear in the minstrel I tajy iBiiiiiil The Maid Opal Gilmore as aunt Sue Robert Neel as Uncle Jake Clar ence Jones Jr as the gardner and Hugh Bell as the detective LUMBERSUPPIT GROUP TO MEET District Association to Have Dinner Session at Rudd Hotel Tuesday Evening A dinner meeting of the Western District of the Kentucky Lumber and Supply association will be held at the Rudd hotel dining room at 6:30 Tuesday April 30 This will be the annual Spring meeting of the association Dealers from Henderson Webster Hopkins Caldwell Union Muhlen berg Ohio and Daviess county will be in attendance More than fifty dealers are expected to attend Addressing the association will be Don Campbell of Lebanon president of the state association The even discussions will be centered around modern selling methods QUEBEC WOMEN REGAIN PROVINCIAL VOTE RIGHTS Quebec April 27 Quebec wo men have regained the right to vote in provincial elections and to seek seats in the provincial legislature A law enacted yesterday restoring franchise rights will become effec tive January 1 1941 In 1834 women lost their provincial franchise A measure enacted during the World war gave them the vote in ederal elections IS THE PLACE or SUNDAY DINNER It Costs No More To Eat Here Than At Home Promptly Served OLLOW THE CROWD TO The ord way of doing business A he ord Motor Company was founded by a working man for working men Its present officers began as employees of the Company It was the first company to pay a minimum wage beginning in 1914 at the then astounding figure of 05 a day That was double the prevailing wage of the time The ord minimum is now 06 a day for all employees engaged in production work And from that the wages rise to 01080 a day with the average wage 0725 exclusive of salaried employees The ord Motor Company was the first large company to establish the 8 hour day also in 1914 And the 40 hour week was inaugurated by the ord Motor Company in 1926 years before any such laws existed The ord Motor Company employs men without regard to race creed or color It is common knowledge that working conditions in the ord shops are the best that science and constant care can make them A square deal a just wage and stabilized employ ment for a large proportion of our employees and as fully stabilized for all as conditions will permit enable our men to retain their personal independence In consequence of these policies the ord Motor Company has one of the finest bodies of employees in the world The larger proportion are mature men of long service with the Company sober decent family men Hundreds of them have been with the Company for more than 25 thousands for more than 15 years Their health record home ownership and citizen ship records are gratifyingly high Aii this is reflected in ord products whether cars trucks or tractors The work is honestly done The materials are the best that can be made or pro cured Less profit to the Company and more value to the customer is known throughout the civilized world as way of doing jKjwA oft Vs Henry ord and Edset ord keep daily personal touch with all phases of ord manufacture In a conference with his staff Henry ord often says: "Go ahead I'll sit here and represent the ord Motor Company was the first to make a motor car within the means of the average family quitting the manufacture of what was then the largest selling model in the world to do so Its chosen field in all the 30 years since that time has been the average American family for which it has consistently provided car facilities which formerly only the wealthy could buy It is the policy of the ord Motor Company to share the benefits of advanced methods and manage ment with workers and public alike Increased wages and employment over a period of many years have resulted in a 300 per cent increase in the built in value of the ord car and a 75 per cent reduction in its price ORD MOTOR COMPANY A HARRY HOLDER MOTOR CO REDERICA AND ITH incorporated PHONE 1464.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.